Behaviour at Harris Academy Morden
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We believe that in order to enable effective teaching and learning to take place, good behaviour in all aspects of Academy life is necessary.
We seek to create a caring learning environment in the Academy by:
• Promoting good behaviour and discipline
• Promoting self-esteem, self-discipline and positive relationships based on mutual respect
• Ensuring fairness of treatment for all and accepting their differences
• Encouraging consistency of response to both positive and negative behaviour
• Promoting early intervention
• Providing a safe environment free from disruption, violence, bullying and any form of harassment
• Encouraging a positive relationship with parents/carers to develop a shared approach to involve them in the implementation of the Academy’s policies and associated procedures.
Fair Procedures
The senior team at Harris Academy Morden have developed, in consultation with the staff, procedures which ensure good behaviour in and around the Academy.
The procedures make clear to the students how acceptable standards of behaviour can be achieved and have a clear rationale that is made explicit to staff, students and parents.
The procedures and systems we adopt are consistently and fairly applied and promote the idea of personal responsibility. It is made clear that every member of the Academy has a responsibility towards the whole community.
Positive behaviour
An Academy ethos of encouragement is central to the promotion of good behaviour. Rewards are one means of achieving this. They have a motivational role in helping students to realise that good behaviour is valued and are clearly defined in our systems and procedures. We use Harris Points to promote good behaviour with reward schemes and prizes given regularly to students throughout the academic year.
Integral to the system of rewards is an emphasis on praise both informal and formal to individuals and groups.
Sanctions are needed to respond to inappropriate behaviour. Harris Academy Morden operates a S.W.A.T system which is outlined as follows:
- State the rule that is being broken
- Warn the student of the sanction that will be enforced
- Action a sanction
- Transfer the student
The SWAT system is followed by various other sanctions involving our Student Referral Centre. The Centre provides respite as well as remedial services to help students understand the difference between good and bad choices.
Zero tolerance of bullying
Harris Academy Morden has a zero tolerance attitude towards bullying and further details are outlined in our bullying policy. We accept that bullying can take many forms and part of our approach to tackling bullying focuses on preventative strategies as well as punishing measures.
We encourage students to speak out when behaviour that does not meet our high standards. Our assembly and pastoral programme asks two questions of students:
- Is another student making you unhappy/ feel bullied?
- Is someone else being bullied/mistreated by someone?
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Behaviour SEE IT at HAMD for parents
Students can use the Sharp System at any time to report any incidents of bullying or speak to their faculty FCO. Students are also encouraged to talk to any member of staff they feel comfortable disclosing sensitive information too. All issues reported will be passed onto members of our On Call team.
There are also other websites that can offer support:
Racism, homophobia, and social media misuse
Incidents of racism, homophobia and social media misuse are logged at Harris Academy Morden and each come with a bespoke remedial programme made to alleviate further incidents occurring. We take incidents of these categories very seriously and actively promote awareness, speak out groups and educational sessions to prevent such behaviours occurring. Our assembly programme, PHSE days and tutor group timeline all incorporate elements of racism, homophobia and social media misuse so students are fully aware of our firm line on these matters.
Sexual Misconduct
Sexual violence and sexual harassment can occur between two children of any sex.¯They can also occur through a group of children sexually assaulting or sexually harassing a single child or group of children. Children who are victims of sexual violence and sexual harassment will likely find the experience stressful and distressing.This will, in all likelihood, adversely affect their educational attainment.
Harris Academy Morden take all instances of sexual misconduct very seriously. Students are aware that they should report all incidents to staff at the Academy who will listen to them. All incidents of sexual misconduct will be followed up with sanctions and support put in place as required. Please see linked below our Sexual Misconduct procedures document for further information.
Our curriculum plays a large part in our aim to prevent any form of sexual misconduct. At Harris Academy Morden we have a carefully planned programme of age appropriate PSHE, RSE, SMSC and Wellbeing that ensures that all students receive a comprehensive Safeguarding Curriculum. All students follow this programme which teaches our students about healthy and respectful relationships, what respectful behaviour looks like, consent, body confidence and self-esteem, that sexual violence and sexual harassment is always wrong as well as how to stay safe including staying safe online.
Wider Help
The NSPCC have launched a dedicated helpline for children and young people who've experienced abuse at school, and for worried adults and professionals who need support and guidance. The helpline is to provide appropriate support and advice to victims of abuse, and concerned adults, including onward action such as contacting the police if they wish to.
This dedicated helpline will offer support to:
- all children and young people making current and non-recent disclosures of abuse
- any children or young people who want to talk about being involved or witnessing any incidents
- any adults who have experienced non-recent abuse
- parents and carers who have any concerns about their own or other children
- professionals who work in schools and need support in this or related issues.
Anyone who gets in touch through this dedicated helpline will also be signposted to other relevant support services available, including Childline - which provides ongoing support and counselling to children and young people.
The Report Abuse in Education helpline comes after a high number of anonymous testimonials were submitted to the Everyone’s Invited website, documenting abuse in all types of schools, colleges, and universities.
Young people and adults can contact the NSPCC helpline, Report Abuse in Education on 0800 136 663 or email
The Home School Agreement
Students are expected to follow the code of conduct and safety rules as well as implement the Academy policies for equal opportunities.
Students will:
- Promote equal opportunities in all aspects of Academy life
- Complete homework/coursework conscientiously and return it by the set deadlines
- Contribute fully to the life and work of the Academy community and show a willingness to support and participate in all its activities
- Play a full part in the growth, development and improvement of the Academy by striving to improve standards of work and behaviour at all time
- Be confident that striving to improve academic performance is recognised as acceptable and that attempts to undermine or devalue this are not
- Wear correct uniform and conduct themselves in a sensible and orderly manner
- Show respect to adults and treat people as individuals in the manner that they would expect to be treated themselves
- Maintain high personal standards of attendance and punctuality
- Not take holidays during term time
- Respect other people’s personal space and their belongings
- Demonstrate care towards the upkeep of the environment and exercise common sense and self-control in all aspects relating to the health and safety of others
- Take a positive stance against litter, graffiti and vandalism
- Conform to the protocols for security and access required for the ICT network
- Abide by the procedures to ensure sensible use of the Internet
- Responsibly maintain their Student Bank Account, set up by the Academy
- Ensure all work submitted is their own work and includes no form of plagiarism
- Give letters and other information from the Academy to parent/carers and return any reply to the Academy promptly.
- Not bring to the Academy anything which is dangerous, illegal or against Academy rules.
- Not bring the Academy into disrepute when off site and in the Academy unifform. Conduct in public should be respectful and sensible at all times.
The full Home School Agreement can be viewed here.