Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Options Process

Year 9s will complete their options process during the Summer Term.

All students continue to follow a rigorous core curriculum, including English, maths, science and PE. They cover PSHE, RSE, RE and citizenship through the tutorial, assembly and SMSC programme.

For their options, students have been placed on to one of the following pathways based on our knowledge of each student:

Open” – This is the standard pathway. All students choose one humanities subject (history or geography) plus two other subjects.

Ebacc” – This is an academic pathway designed to maximise the chance of entry to top universities. Students study a language, a humanities subject and one other option.

Timeline - Below is a guide to the approximate timing of the options process:

  • w/b 21 April  – Options Assemblies. Options booklets issued
  • w/b 28 April and 5 May – Subject Specific Assemblies.  Subject Ambassador talks. Discussions in tutor time. Careers drop in sessions
  • w/b 13 May  – Options forms issued. Final discussions.
  • 23rd May – Deadline for completed option forms
  • w/b 7 July  – Option Letters issued

Information, Advice and Guidance

Students need to think carefully about their options as student timetables cannot be changed once they start their courses in Year 10.

All students receive the following:

  • An assembly given by the Vice Principal that is specific to their options pathway and supports students in making the right decisions as well as highlighting common mistakes
  • A pathway-specific options booklet, containing advice on selecting options and detailing the content of each subject
  • A series of assemblies given by Subject Directors, highlighting the reasons why a student may or may not wish to select each subject
  • Talks and Q&A from the Year 10 Subject Ambassadors who have studied each of the subjects this year
  • Group discussions in tutor time
  • Ample time to consider their options and discuss with subject teachers as required
  • Information on the Academy website

All students are offered:

  • The opportunity to discuss their options with their Tutor, FCO and subject teachers
  • Careers “drop-in” sessions

Some students will receive:

  • EAL or SEN specific support in understanding the options process and choosing their options.

Further information or support

If you have a query about your child’s options, you should contact your child’s Tutor or Faculty Co-ordinator in the first instance. Where appropriate they will refer you to the relevant person.

Copies of the options booklets for the previous cohort can be downloaded here:










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